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Leguan Lifts cuts the worktime in half

Voss Liftutleige is a company that rents machines, lifts, excavators and tools to their customers. Their selection was already extensive, but they were looking for something that would be even more universal in use. In spring 2018, their vendor Hybeko delivered them their first Leguan 190 and their customers have been thrilled.

Stian Overå works as the CEO at Voss Liftutleige and he is really pleased with the decision to buy the Leguan 190.

– We first bought it, because we saw that it is smoother, more versatile and very efficient for every imaginable operation, Overå explains.

Efficiency creates value

Customers have been really satisfied with the Leguan 190. Overå has seen that when someone has tried the Leguan 190 once, they only want to use that in their future projects.

– It is simply so efficient to use, as it is fast to setup, disassemble and versatile in use. A normal two-day job will be done in a day, if the customer chooses to use a Leguan, Overå says excitedly.

Trust in the vendor and product

Overå also gives thanks to both their vendor Hybeko as well as Leguan Lifts.

– We get great customer service and help with the products from Hybeko whenever needed. We can really trust in Leguan Lifts that they deliver us products, which are what they are promised to be, Overå concludes.

Leguan Lifts Oy kuuluu Avant Tecno -konserniin ja on erikoistunut tukijalallisiin erittäin maastokelpoisiin ja monikäyttöisiin alle 20 metrisiin itsekulkeviin henkilönostimiin.
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